Haydonleigh Primary School

Haydonleigh Primary School

I am talented, together we are amazing !

Haydon Court Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN25 1JP




  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Beat the Street - Glow Walk

Beat the Street - Glow Walk

28 September 2021 (by admin2 (Office Administrator))

Following on from the success of our previous glow stick walks held during Beat the Street, the following has been arranged;

Monday 4 October - Evening glow stick walk (double points)

An evening walk, approximately 1 ½ miles to "beep" 7 boxes.

Leaving school at 6.15pm we walk together along the route to "beep" 7 boxes returning to school at approximately 7.15pm. Every child will be given a glow stick and must be accompanied by an adult.

Week 3 (29 September - 5 October) every box will be giving double points.

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