OUR curriculum
The National Curriculum statutory requirements for each year group are outlined on our curriculum maps. We use statutory guidance for planning our school curriculum. For the link to the Statutory National Curriculum, please click here.
Our curriculum maps give you an overview of what is taught over the year at Haydonleigh:
To find out more about our curriculum and to view our knowledge organisers, please select the subject/s using the drop down menu on the right of this page.
The Haydonleigh curriculum empowers all pupils to acquire, remember and apply a wide curriculum knowledge. We aim to develop a life-long love of learning and enable all pupils to appreciate what is awesome and wonderful in the world.
Each year builds on previous learning with a clear progression in all subject areas, helping children to learn successfully and master both skills and knowledge in different disciplines.
Based on solid pedagogical principles, we deliver a well-taught curriculum where pupils are able to apply and remember more. Our curriculum details exactly what pupils will learn at different points in each subject. Our curriculum prepares pupils as global citizens, equipped with the cultural capital to succeed in their next steps and later life.
At Haydonleigh Primary School, our curriculum delivery upholds the Haydonleigh drivers: Communication, Ambition and Resilience.
Communication – will enable children to demonstrate fluency in oracy, enabling them to participate in dialogue and debate. At Haydonleigh, speaking, writing and listening skills are recognised as the building blocks for the curriculum. Children will leave Haydonleigh with the ability to share their ideas and thoughts.
Ambition – will enable children to be inquisitive and aspirational, allowing them to make connections between experiences, ideas and achievements. At Haydonleigh, children strive to be the best during their time here and have high aspirations beyond school. Children will leave Haydonleigh with the motivation to reach their potential and achieve their dreams.
Resilience – will develop children who are flexible, try out ideas and build schema of increasing complexity in readiness for future success. At Haydonleigh, children develop metacognitive skills to overcome problems, learn from their mistakes, think for themselves and embrace challenges. Children will leave Haydonleigh as independent and well-rounded pupils, with the courage to navigate life.
Every opportunity is given to ensure our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Enthusiasm, Unity and Creativity are at the heart of learning. These values also support the teaching of British Values and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural education).
We ensure this happens by providing a safe, happy and caring environment where children have every opportunity to access the substance of education: the curriculum.
Our school is committed to working in partnership. Therefore, our values were chosen in consultation with pupils, parents and staff, as part of the Haydonleigh Vision project. We communicate our shared commitments through our school values:
Respect – Members of the Haydonleigh community will be welcoming and approachable, with mutually high expectations. We will nurture open communication and problem-solve together. We will be good role models.
Responsibility – Members of the Haydonleigh community will be accountable for maintaining high expectations. We will endeavour to make good choices and learn from our mistakes. We will demonstrate resilience and strive to do our best.
Enthusiasm – Members of the Haydonleigh community will choose a positive attitude and inspire others. We will foster ambition and embrace new opportunities.
Unity - Members of the Haydonleigh community will communicate effectively and promote the school’s expectations. We will celebrate the school’s values and work in partnership to achieve success.
Creativity - Members of the Haydonleigh community will be open-minded and show resilience when considering different approaches. We will encourage innovation and celebrate individual achievement.