Class 15                                              Class 16                                       Class 17

                  Miss Glasspole                                       Mr English                                 Mrs Sanghera

                                                                                                                                        Mrs Wojewodka


Teaching assistants:  Mrs Seymour, Mrs Crossland and Mrs King                   

Important Information for Parents:


Indoor PE for Year 5 will now be on Mondays
Outdoor PE for Year 5 will be on Wednesdays

Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Children will stay in their kit all day. 
Please ensure that children have a plain grey hoodie for PE (and not black)


Homework will be set on Fridays and will be due in on the following Friday.
Spelling tests will be completed on Friday's too. 

It is important that all homework is completed and handed in on time.
Reading records and red homework books need to be brought in each Friday to be checked. 



  • Please read 5x and record in the reading diary. You can read a book from school or choose an age appropriate book from home.
  • Children will need to record the date of reading, name of book and write a short comment in the box in the record to reflect what they liked or disliked about the book. Adults will need to sign the reading record each week 
  • Suggestions of what to write can be found below. 


I liked ……. because …….

I disliked ……. because …….

I would like to know what…….

My favourite part was…….

…….. was my favourite character because …….

The ……..was ………

I want to know why…….



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


These will be self-marked in class

If you have any questions about your homework, you can email the office and teachers will get back to you as soon as possible. 

NOTE: Spare copies of homework are available in each classroom every week.

 Documents - please click to open

  1. Year 5 Homework Guidance
  2. Parents’ guide to the Year 5 curriculum
  3. Suggested Reading for Pleasure Book List
  4. Grammar Guide

 Useful Information

  • If your child has anything they wish to discuss, please encourage them to approach their teacher first. In Year 5 we strive to achieve greater independence.  
  • To communicate with the class teacher you can either ring the school office on 01793 700443 or email the office to be forwarded to the class teacher and they will get back to you as soon as possible
    Many thanks for your support in this busy academic year.

PGL Barton Hall Residential Trip 29th April - 3rd May 2024

PGL Parents Meeting Monday 25th March 2024 at 3.30pm

PGL Trip Letter

PGL Kit List

PGL Departure Letter

Click here for PGL 2024 Trip updates 


Wed 4th Sept - First Day Back

Tues 24th Sept - Steam Trip (Trip letter attached here)



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