Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)



Debbie Peart - Inclusion Manager   Naomi Small - SENCo


A child has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty, which calls for special educational provisions to be made for them. Haydonleigh Primary School is committed to inclusion, ensuring all pupils are given the support they need to fulfil their full potential. They should be equally valued and be fully included in aspects of school life. At Haydonleigh we are aware that children are all different and make progress at different rates. They have different ways in which they learn best. Our teachers take account of this in the way they organise their lessons and teach. Children making slower progress or having particular difficulties in one area may be given extra help or different lessons to help them succeed. We believe that by working in partnership with you as parents or carers to support your child in whatever way we can enable your child to achieve their potential.


Further information on what our school offers can be found here: 


Day to day support for all pupils is directed by the class teacher with additional support from Teaching Assistants. Any queries regarding a pupils learning should be directed to the class teacher in the first instance

Should you have any further queries please contact the school office via email office@haydonleighschool.co.uk 


For Swindon Borough Council's information and advice on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities services and support, please visit their Local Offer website by clicking here. There are a variety of organisations outside of school, who can support families with children who have a range of disabilities and needs.


support for families


SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service) is a free independent confidential service working with all parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs as well as directly with the young people themselves. Key areas of support include:

  • EHCP process including transfer and new applications
  • Rights in relation to SEN and disability
  • How to get the best from meetings and understanding educational processes
  • Transitions between different stages of education.
  • Signposting to other relevant services

More information about what SENDIASS can provide can be found on their website. You can contact them directly by emailing them at fjames@swindon.gov.uk or by phone  01793 466515


The Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM) provide a free, independent and accessible advocacy service in Swindon. Their service is available to children and adults with a learning disability or high functioning Autism and they provide a range of support for these children and their families. For example, a member of SAM can be there to support parents during review meetings within the school. They provide other services which can be found on their website. 

They can be contacted directly:

Swindon Advocacy Movement

Sanford House

Sanford Street

Swindon SN1 1QH

Phone: 01793 542575/01793 542266

Fax: 01793 423124

Email: info@swindonadvocacy.org.uk 




Detailed below is a list of helpful links and information that we think might be of use to you if your child has any special educational needs. If you are aware of any other useful websites, please let us know and we will try to include a link to them.


The National ADD Information and Support Service

The Dyspraxia Foundation

National Autistic Society

Autism Independent UK

Aspergers Support

Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association

British Dyslexia Association

The British Epilepsy Association

Royal Institute for the Blind



Newsletters and flyers


Below are newsletters and flyers from SENAT and other outside agencies. They include regular updates and any upcoming events they may have.


Swindon Local Offer - SEND News Splash

Swindon Local Offer - SEND Families News Splash