First Day of Term 4 Monday 24th February  -  Reading Cafe Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th March  -  World Book Day Dress Up Event Friday 7th March  -  Haydonleigh Science Week Monday 10th - Friday 14th March  -  Learning Reviews Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th March  -  Parent Coffee Morning Wednesday 19th March  -  PTA Disco Wednesday 19th March  -  PTA Brush Party Evening Event Friday 28th March  -  Last Day of Term 4 Friday 4th April


Welcome to our school, where we provide a secure and happy environment and where the work is varied and challenging and every child and adult is valued. We set the children and ourselves high standards to enable every child to develop his or her potential to the full and become confident learners. 

All parents are very welcome at Haydonleigh, and we see home and school working together as very important for your child.


Our website will give you a flavour of our school’s aims, the activities that the children are involved in, the achievements that we have gained and the wealth of memorable experiences that the children encounter.


Haydonleigh Team

Events Calendar